Invasion - Invaders clone

Came up with this little cloneremakeadaptationmess after about a week of playing around with Pico-8 and seeing what it can do. I'm really diggin' this little platform.

Figured since I had not seen a playable Invaders clone, I'd post up the one I was messing with. Every platform has one! I would've added some Pico-8 relation and called it 'Pico Invaders' but I'm not sure how Zep might take that. Hey Zep, how would you take that?
If you're gonna look through the code, beware, it's a mental minefield right now. Have a couple of aspirins first. Was not expecting to release it so there's barely any cleaning up. Might do so in the future and update.
Here's hoping later Pico-8 versions address the sound pops.
Change Log:

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