Hungry Harry's Climb (LD39)

Poor Harry! He was taking a nap when the ice broke from under him! Help him climb out of the caves, and make sure he gets enough mushrooms to eat before he starves!
To play:
Arrow keys - move
Z - jump
Down - dig a hole
Up - climb most surfaces
I can't believe I finished this in time. It is pretty bare bones, but I am happy with it. I wish I had the time to add in enemies, but there you go.
Here is the link on Ludum Dare's site: https:ldjam.comeventsludum-dare39hungry-harrys-climb
Congrats to everyone who finished LD39!
--edit Aug 1:
I've tried to clear up some confusion for LD39 participants. It is now hopefully clearer that the first level is actually a level that can be beaten. Also, i added a super-jump (hold up and jump) that should help with some of the trickier levels. The super-jump burns food though, so don't go crazy.
--second edit:
I removed the super-jump. This felt against the spirit of ludum dare, in that i was adding an ability after the competition ended. However, i DID fix the level generator so that all levels can be beaten - i feel that this was a bug fix.
-- edit 3
People keep digging through the floor, so I had to hardcode that to be impossible. Fix made for LD participants

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