Hungry Harry's Climb Complete

Wow! I finally made a finished version of my LD39 game. Overall, I am fairly satisfied with this game, if not super enthused. I had to make many concessions to fit it into the token count. However, it is a surprisingly fully-featured procedural platformer, and it is something I am proud of.
Help Harry escape the procedurally generated caves!
How to play:
Walk and climb - arrow keys
Burp (attack) - X
Jump - Z or C
Dig - down arrow


Harry will starve if you don't eat mushrooms along the way. Make sure to grab them!
the caves are randomly generated every game. If you get a tough set of caves, don't be afraid to try again!
If you get enough mushrooms, a powerup will appear above harry. GRAB THESE! they are they key to running faster, jumping higher, and burping harder!

PRO tips:

when harry digs on flat ground, he will pile up the ground behind him. Use this to build platforms to help you climb higher.
the escape for each level is at the top, in the middle. If you find a way to break the ceiling, however, you can use that too!
Your hunger will occur at a faster rate each level. Mushrooms are almost always worth a detour.
You can jump for quite a while after walking off a ledge. Use this to your advantage!

v1.1 - Oct 31 '17

added text to harry's intro that points out your burping ability. Non-pico8 players did not know to try pushing X.
increased frequency factor of mushrooms from 1.5 to 2. SHould make things a bit easier.

License: -

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