Hover Gulch!

You are a futuristic hovercar developed by the trillionaire owner of a stagnant maze-racing circuit. He has loaded you up with special powers so you can embarrass all the league's other cars.
How to Play

You must spin out rival cars by ramming them, catching them in your boost trail, or spinning another car into them.

Spin out the required number of cars on each level to unlock the checkered flag. Grab the flag to advance.

You are invincible while using your powers but vulnerable while you are not. Walls never hurt you, thanks to advanced bouncing science.

All your special powers always trigger at the same time. This consumes gel because nothing is truly free.

If you run out of lives or gel, the game is over... until you are brave enough to restart.

After you clear a level, your leftover gel will convert to flex, which is like a kind of score that measures how hard you have flexed in Hover Gulch.

Keyboard controls

Arrow keys to turn
X to boost speed, engage your ram, and become invincible, all at the same time
Z to skip scenes you've seen before
Enter to pause (and to quick-restart)


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