
A game that's very unpolished, but that means a lot to me personally
You wake in an inn on a idyllic island floating in the void. Can you find out what this place is, who the people inhabiting it are and why you are here? You are left to your own devices, and can look for these answers while wandering in the gardens of this strange world. All while deciding you want to leave by. Home is a tiny walking simulator about mystery and unguided exploration.
Backstory, for those who care for some reason
I made this game about two years ago, and it's the first game that I 'finished'. There's some debugging stuff in the top left I'm too lazy to take out, there's almost no real content, there's no music, and the 'puzzle' design is just atrocious with one specifically being waaaay too cryptic. Not too mention the spelling erros and glitches. However, I'm still very proud that I managed to make it in the end, and I actually think the core game holds up in its own way. It's worth uploading, at least.
The closest thing you'll get to a walk-through
Stuck? Don't want to type out a frustratingly long nonsense paragraph? Here yah go.

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