
A board game.
The goal is to trap the other player on a single square.
On each turn, the player can move their piece one square, causing a hole to appear beside their opponent, or jump their piece two squares (possibly over a hole), leaving a hole where their piece was.
There are different options for play:

two player, one controller (pass the controller back and forth between turns)
two player, two controllers (each player has their own controller)
one player, easy AI
one player, challenging AI

You can choose from a number of board layouts. If you download the cart is easy to add your own board layouts with the sprite editor.
In the menu, use the direction buttons to move between menu entries, and the X and O buttons to cycle through the options of menu entry, or perform a menu action.
In the game, use the direction buttons to move your piece, or hold down the X or O buttons and use the direction buttons to jump your piece. Use the pause menu if you want to abandon a game and return to the title menu.
Gameplay screen shots:

Drawing a board layout in the sprite editor:

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