Heat Death

An arcade-style highscore-focused twin stick shooter. You can technically use player 2's controls for the second stick, or you can use the single button shoot controls. If you play on https:gate.itch.ioheat-death you'll get better dual-stick support.
Full source code for this game is available here: https:github.comGate88heat-death

How to play
Classic Pico-8 Controller

updownleftright - move
X - hold to shoot and strafe
O - hold to count from 1 to 3 and release to use powerup
Dual Stick Controls
(play on https:gate.itch.ioheat-death for better dual-stick support)

Left stick (p1) - move
Right stick (p2) - shoot
O - hold to count from 1 to 3 and release to use powerup

Objective: gain heat by shooting enemies
Collect power gems to fill the power bar
Hold power button to charge ability (1...2...3)
Release power button to spend power on numbered ability

1 power - Defrag: Collects debris in an area and converts it to firepower. The number of extra shots you get is directly proportional to the amount of debris it collects, so try to place it where it can collect the most.

2 power - Cloak: Briefly prevent enemies from chasing and aiming at you. If all players are cloaked, enemies will move towards and shoot at random locations.

3 power - Remote Backup: Creates a backup on the field which prevents one death. Instead of dying, you will be teleported to the backup you most recently placed. You can have up to 5 backups on the field at a time.


Position yourself to kill high-value targets at the beginning of each level.
You are briefly invulnerable right when enemies spawn. Look for the flashing cross on your ship.
Dying resets your power to 2, so use your abilities proactively to avoid wasting power.
Use defrag liberally; it's the least expensive and it's the only ability that directly increases your offense.
You are not invulnerable whil

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