Haunted House (Full Game)

10-22-16 ... Took out freeze player for standard messages

SIGH This took a lot longer than it needed to. Kept running out of memory all kinds of directions. And - I guess this was a definitely learning experience.
The main thing is, THE GAME IS DONE !
Try it out (preferably with the EXE PICO or Google Chrome as Firefox can stagger).
Instructions ? I don't want to give out too much as curiosity is always rewarded in this game. :)
Use the arrow keys to navigate. Use the lightning to give clues as to where obstacles are. Hit (Z) (O?) to use up a valuable match. You start with 3, you might find more. You have a shield generator at 9.
Your mission, just as you were told, find out what happened to the relatives in Old Man Mildew's manor and report back.
Some things won't activate until you've done the right thing first. While the game is entirely turn-based, you have a relentless clock, and once it hits midnight, you'll have to deal with Mildew's angry and impatient spirit.
High Score and names are kept and recorded for 10-entries, even after rebooting.
As with all games you've played, PLEASE let me know if you find any bugs or outright crashes. I think it's pretty solid at this point. The code ? A little over 5,000 symbols of a possible 8192.
The characters, not so bad, 27870 out of 65536.
But really PICO is a bit of a cheat since right around this area, despite having space, it won't save to PNG with much more code. I would think since it's a fantasy system that only when you EXCEED your symbols or characters maximum space - THEN it can start complaining about not being able to save as a PNG.
Now, is the game too easy, too hard ? Is the clock too slow, too fast ? Let me know what you think !

Last minute changes:

Sped up clock
Integered clock (for scoring)
Removed debug score line

Enjoi, and Happy Halloween ! :D

License: -

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