Happy Little Forest (pico1k 2022)

here's my entry for pico1k 2022!
it's a 3D point-cloud renderer with SSAO - takes a minute or two to prepare the scene (may help to imagine a soothing voice saying stuff like 'now we're going to add some happy-little-clouds'), then once it's done generating, it draws one 'shimmery' image forever.

if you'd like to use this renderer to draw your own 3D scene (maybe for pico1k, maybe just for fun!), this thread has some info about how to use it:
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in short, you tell it to draw a ton of 3D points (no triangles!), it uses a z-buffer (no sorting!), and allows four independent color-ramps (SSAO can darken a color, but never moves it into a different four-color group)

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