Go West RPG

This is Go West. It is a short RPG where the goal is to go west. Here is the comments header with mentions:
-- go west v10
-- by david st-onge
-- November 14 2017
-- base code from collide.p8 by zep
-- wall and actor collisions by zep
-- features added by david st-onge:
-- flip sprite when going left 2017-1-7
-- map sector system 2017-1-7
-- speed multiplier for terrain 2017-1-7
-- added village mode 2017-1-8
-- added title and game state 2017-1-9
-- house scene copied from stroll by parlor interactive
-- moutain scene copied from jelpi 2017-1-8
-- added fade function, code from jelpi by zep 2017-1-9
-- added dialog system 2017-1-10
-- added items system (shield and boots) 2017-11
-- added cinematic mode 2017-1-13
-- added fire ball collision detection 2017-1-14
-- added gameover mode 2017-1-14
-- added second part of the story (boots) 2017-1-16
-- added third part of the story (key) 2017-1-17
-- added fourth part of the story (locked door) 2017-1-17
-- added endgame 2017-1-18
-- added sound effects 2017-7-8
-- only 'x' key can be used now to fix endgame skipping bug 2017-8-1
-- ajusted waterfall volume 2017-8-1
-- corrected wait() function to use flip() 2017-11-14
-- i made the paths larger between map sections for less precise controls (pocket chip) 2017-11-14
-- hero sprite and warrior in the logo are heavily inspired by sprites by shaturu711 --> http:pixeljoint.comforumforum_posts.asp?TID=15645

License: -

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