
Climb up the famous Mount Fuji in my first Celeste Classic mod!
This mod features new levels, visuals, sprites, improved HUD, some secrets to find, and original musicsfx by augie745! I hope you enjoy!
Arrow Keys - Move
Z,C - Jump
X,V - Dash
Also included is a built in practice mod! Yes, you can use this to spoil levels, but where's the fun in that? :)
Practice Controls:
SF - backforward level
A - toggle dash (gemskip)
E - toggle HUD
Shoutouts to all my playtesters, including jellorain, I wouldn't have gotten into Celeste if it weren't for him, augie745 for being an absolute beast and getting everything done on time, as well as Meep_Moop, gonengazit, taco360, and warspyking for helping me code various features, or even just straight up doing it for me at times. None of this would have been possible without you guys.

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