Frozen Helm

Journey into the Temple
Frozen Helm is a retro Metroidvania. It was made for RNDGAME JAM II from 16072021 to 01082021.
Guide Tulok through the Temple of the Ancestors, fighting malevolent skeletons and exploring the icy ruins.
Harness the power of ice

Tap Z to create a blast of frost that freezes nearby enemies
Hold Z to hurl ice spears
Master your powers
Experience Story Mode to learn the secrets of the temple and blast through the game in Speedrun mode.
Version History
-more enemies
-more pickups
-tweaked level layout and enemy placement in a couple of places
-fixed crash when player is killed by skeletons
-repeatedly pressing action buttons during fadeouts no longer resets the transition
-added coyote time
-added other trendy platformer mechanics
-added playerenemy collision
-particle movement is now smoother
-added a simple death animation
-fixed missing sound and particle effects on being hit
-added two secret items
-lots of other stuff I probably forgot
1.0 - Initial (jam) version
Old (jam) version

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