Feed the Beast

€ƒHow to Play
€ƒ€ƒA beast will visit your village every minute
€ƒ€ƒIf you don't leave it a pile of gold, it will
€ƒ€ƒdestroy your village!
€ƒ€ƒOpen the seed menu at the top left, and click
€ƒ€ƒto select a seed, then click on open farmland
€ƒ€ƒto plant. Plants outline in green when they're
€ƒ€ƒfinished, click on them to harvest.
€ƒ€ƒClick on the monument in the top middle to
€ƒ€ƒplace the gold, you must do this every round
€ƒ€ƒand the amount will increase forever!
€ƒ€ƒMake sure you always save gold to plant seeds,
€ƒ€ƒbecause you can get stuck!
€ƒ€ƒHouses automatically speed up random crops
€ƒ€ƒWindmills increase your gold earned by 5%

(CC BY-SA 2.0)

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