Featherstone Ruins 1.0

Featherstone Ruins is a survival-horror game with gameplay similar to 'Slender', which I slowly built up out of some very basic raycaster code. I mainly made this as a learning exercise, and there's a thousand ways to make it more efficient and effective, but I'm happy to call it done and put what I've learned into practice on the next project!
Many years ago, a servant at the Featherstone Manor was unjustly tried as a murderer, and executed. His body was cut up, and hung around the surrounding farmland as a grim warning to others.
Since that wrongful execution, no-one at the manor has known peace. Rumours spread that the Featherstone Farm was haunted. The site was abandoned, and soon fell into disrepair. None of the curious souls who have ventured there have returned.
With oil-lamp in hand, you set out to bring peace to the Featherstone Ruins. If you can collect all four body parts hanging throughout the ruins, and consecrate them, the ghost will haunt this place no longer.
Z - Collect body partConsecrate body (when you have four body parts, do this at the shrine near where you start to win the game)
X - Hold to Strafe
Arrow Keys - Move Forwards, Backwards, and Turn LeftRight
Tips (spoilers):

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