Elite Velocity v1.0

Elite Velocity
Version 1.0 2020-09-01
Asteroid Miner's Flight Training Manual
Up - Thrust
LeftRight - Turn LeftRight
Down - Charge warp (requires fuel)
X - Fire Weapon
Z - Dock at station tractor beam (requires purchase)
Congratulations on your purchase of the Arrow-class shuttle. This shuttle is rated for asteroid mining and is equipped with a mk1 blaster for destroying asteroids and self-defense. You will also find a warp drive pre-installed, allowing jumps to new systems in deep space. An asteroid-scoop allows easy ore collection by simply flying into floating pieces of ore. Finally, expansion slots allow room for upgrades such as a tractor beam, IFF radar, and powerful mining lasers. These upgrades can be purchased and installed by licensed technicians found at space stations across the galaxy.
Asteroid mining is an extremely profitable enterprise for any intrepid pilot willing to take their vessel into deep space. With some luck, a good captain can score an early retirement in short order! Safe flying, captain!
Tips n' Tricks

Shoot and destroy asteroids to reveal ore. Acquire ore by flying over it.
Dock at space stations to purchase fuel and upgrades with ore.
Once you've cleared out a system of asteroids, use fuel to warp to the next system.
Ensure you always have enough ore to purchase fuel, or you may become stranded in deep space!
Watch out for space pirates who will attempt to destroy you. The farther you warp into deep space, the more dangerous and numerous they become! Defend yourself with your ship's blaster.
Be wary, if you linger in a system for too long, pirates will track you down!
Once you've collected enough ore to live out a long and healthy life, you can choose to RETIRE at any space station.
If you take damage you can buy a REPAIR at any space station.

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