Dungeo - a Bard's Tale-like game

'Dungeo' is an homage to the old RPG 'Bard's Tale'. The lich queen is threatening the lands, and it's up to four brave souls - a soldier, a rogue, a priest, and a mage - to venture into her domain and put an end to her machinations!
Menus can be navigated with the arrow keys and the action buttons (zx).
Move around in the maze using the arrow keys.
In the town, there are several services available:

The blacksmith can upgrade your equipment for a price.
You can rest at the inn to restore your health points and magic points.
The temple can cure status ailments like being poisoned. They can also resurrect dead characters.
At the tavern, you can reminisce and reflect on your adventures, perhaps allowing you to improve your skills. This also saves your game.

Once in the dungeon, you can wander around and fight things. You gain experience fighting creatures, and when you get enough experience you can level up at the tavern. When you gain a level, you can increase one of your attributes:

Muscle - Do more damage in battle
Smarts - Spells do more damage
Agility - Better able to defend
Grit - More hit points

Your goal is to make it down to the bottom level and kill the lich queen. If you do, you win. But be warned - she is very tough! Make sure you level up a LOT before you take her on.

Version history
1.4 - Fixed issue with displaying armor and weapon in hero stats before upgrades.
1.3 - Fixed error in title screen. New end game sequences.
1.2 - Rewritten base code to make more room for new spells. Bug fixes. New title screen with some instructions.
1.1 - Improved performance on map drawing. Can now drink from fountains. New spells. New UI features.
1.0 - Initial release

License: -

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