Dragon's Playground RNDGAME2020

Here is the game 'Dragon's Playground' made for Tom Hall's #RNDGAME2020. I had so much fun coding this, it was good to work under the requirements of a game jam, it really tested my programming ability--working to a deadline. Anyway, great fun, Dragon's Playground is a top-down, free-roaming shoot'em-up where you control Azron, scourge of the realms. You must incinerate the realm, defeat wizards, elves and knights to assert true dominance over the kingdom.
There are still a few lingering bugs that I would like to fix, but I am happy to share this game as part of a game jam, my first. Great fun!
X - Breathe fire
Z - Charge breath
v1.0 - Jam version
v1.1 - Added a fillp effect to make smoke less overwhelming, fixed a bug that ended game prematurely after first game was over.

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