Deep in the House

Deep in the House
Version 1.1
Deep in the House is a short horror game.
After a long and tiring walk, you wander into an old house with an open front door, hoping to find shelter.
As you enter the main hall, the door closes and locks itself behind you.
It looks like this house isn't as welcoming as you'd hoped...
Will you make it out alive ?
Explore the (many) rooms of the house as you try to find a way out.
You'll have to fight enemies, collect items and solve (simple) puzzles.
It is recommended to play with sound if you have the option.
Move with the arrow keys.
Tap left or right twice to run.
Press C to show the inventory and health status.
Hold down X and press left or right to use your weapon.
(but sometimes, running away might be a better choice...)
This game was created by me, Matthieu Le Gallic.
The licence permits you to modify the game and distribute it for non-commercial purposes.
Feel free to look at the code if you're interested !
Please report bugs if you encounter them.
Thank you for playing !

Added permadeath mode (called 'horror' mode in-game). Regular mode is called 'casual'.
Added results screen with approximate time taken, medkits used etc.
Fixed front door not working after a restart
Fixed lights going out after fixing fusebox
Improved death animation
Fixed heartbeat sound playing during ending
Added ability to fast-forward ending text
Other minor fixes

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