Dashy -- A game fit for Compute! Magazine

Controls: X to grab, Hold Z to explode. No life, but 100 points gets removed from the score when you die. The game is 12 levels, very short, so the score is used to give it some replayability.
100% of what is on screen is from code. I probably need to fix the button glyphs for this to be printable on paper. Nothing in the sprite editor or the map editor.
I do apologize for the lack of music though. I didn't crack that nut by code yet (or not in any form of code that wouldn't be just endless data entry)
2020-08-18: Where do we post updates? I fixed the winning screen to make more sense, and also to fix an actual bug. And I reformatted the code. I didn't realize how the Pico-8 editor would make my tabbing look so awful.
2020-08-21: I am still not sure if a blog post is required for a new version...
-Some bug fix.
-Sound added. Poking around allowed for a somewhat shortish way to make sfx.
-Changed the DATA handling based on the comment here. I should not have done it with bytes only.
-Added 3 new levels.
The glyphs are still a problem. After I replace them with whatever (I'm sure Pico-8 has keycodes) this game will have 16 levels, sound, titlewin screen in 700 lines, with no other assets.
-Replaced the glyph by their values
-Added explosion sound
And that's it. The game is 100% printable.
Also, my highscore is 2641

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