Dark Descent v0.1

Dark Descent v0.1
Would love to hear your feedback
Move with arrow keys, attack with Z, pick upswitch weapon with X.
To win, defeat Diablo (boss of Room 6 of Act 6).
Weapon stats are: Power (damage), Reach (length), Speed (delay before strike) and Weight (delay after strike).
Weapon rarities are: Common (grey), Rare (blue), Epic (pink) and Legendary (Yellow).
Pay attention to spike traps, and be careful around statues!
Version 0.1 Changes:
Reduced speed of elite enemies in later acts
Added menu and victorydefeat screens
Implemented score system
Player will no longer spawn on top of enemieswalls
Weapon swing flashes now properly match their hitboxes
Planned features:
Different abilities for each weapon type
Weapon upgrades
Monster abilities
Random names for acts and bosses
@Yolwoocle for smooth player movement system from Birds with Guns
Members of Pico-8 discord server for all sorts of help