Crowded Dungeon Crawler

Crowded Dungeon Crawler is a mix of puzzle and dungeon crawler. Your goal is to defeat enough enemies to open the door to the next level.

The TIME bar depletes as you play. Once it's empty it's game over. Attacking enemies and buying items will stop time for a few seconds.
Melee items require HP to be used. When attacking multiple enemies, only the strongest one in the group will damage you.
Magic items require MANA. Each item has a specific mana cost. If you don't have enough mana to cast an ability, you can hold the attack button to convert TIME into MANA.
You can have up to 7 items in your INVENTORY. If you pick up more than that, you will drop the currently equipped item on the ground.
Defeat enough enemies to open the EXIT. If you clear ALL enemies you will receive an additional reward.

Puzzle Levels
Each world consists of 7 puzzles and a sequence of random levels at the end. In puzzle levels, you have to defeat enough enemies before running out of resources. If you don't have any more health, mana, or items to use, pause the game and select RESTART LEVEL.

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