Contra Demake (Version .73 fixed) Updated 21123
by Turbochop
Terra - A Terraria Demake (Multiplayer Tech Demo)
Super Contra Hot
Rey's Scavenger Run
Solar Blaster Challenge Stage - a 2 minute high score shooter
Terra - A Terraria Demake
The FILLP() Editor
Amazeball Dudes
Klax (lynx version)
The Invincible Run-Gun-Bot
Dusk Child
Legends of Pizza Night
Garcello - Release Demake (PNP Mod)
Burgertime Demake
Assigned Fighter At Birth
(Touhou Unmei no Hoshi)
Low Knight Visual Mod
Jetpic-08 - A demake of a speccy classic!
Half Life Demake
Defender of the Crown
Adventure Creator
Stranded on Saturn - a Commander Keen demake
Dominion Ex
PICORIUS (demake of DARIUS boss rush)
Pico Fury
STRUNG OUT in heaven's high
Clever Pixel - LOWREZJAM 2020
Frozen Helm
Where's my teddy?
Dungeons amp Diagrams PICO-8 Demake
Picophobia(Phasmophobia Demake)
Desert Bus
Shazabi - the cantina catacombs
Forest Rush
TinyRogue for Thumby v1.0
Earth Was a Bad Choice
Tweetris -- fully playable tetris in 560 characters
Tetris 1K (Pico1k Jam)
Hyperspace 1.1.1
Pico Empires (UPDATED)
Mildew's Haunted House
Zoopico -- A PICO-8 Zoop clone.
Microsoft Minesweeper
Contra Demake (Version .73 fixed) Updated 21123
Be sure to check the change log to see what's new!
I really thought version .51 would be the last major version, but somehow I managed to scrape out every last token and add a few new features! That said, this WILL be the last major version, though I will still support the game post release.
Change log