Continuous Mandelbrot Zoom

Why settle for single renderings of a Mandelbrot when we can smoothly zoom in?
--Dithered Palette Animation
--Smooth Bilinear Zoom from sprite buffer
--Background Rendering of Mandelbrot into a (third?) buffer
The way this works is that we graphically zoom into initially rendered view of the Mandelbrot from the sprite buffer. While doing this, we are drawing the next level of Mandelbrot zoom into a second background buffer. When it's done, this gets copied into the zoomsprite buffer. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Overall, a neat effect I think. Though, I wonder if I should trade the (more or less) smooth frame rate and dithering for less chunky pixels.
Also, I realize that I am awful at spelling 'Mandelbrot'.
-Electric Gryphon

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