China Miner

China Miner
Version 2
Added TutorialHow to play (❎ from title screen);
Music: you can now play the music at a slower tempo like in the original game;
Added: 'Last score' in Stats page;
Fixed bug: jumping while easing on ladders (thanks to Pico-8 Gamer)
⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️ move
⭕️ [Z] Jump
❎ [X] Skip continue Start tutorial (from title screen)
The original game for Commodore 64 is 'China Miner' by Ian Gray.
(c)1984 Interceptor Software.
How to play
Miner Wally is the only person to know the location of the Jade Mines belonging to the Pong Dynasty in China. On each of the 30 screens you must collect four objects (pickaxe, candle, lantern and jade vase) before collecting the key to move onto the next stage. As well as the platforms to negotiate you must also avoid the various creatures that populate the mine and if you touch any of them then you lose one of the nine lives, are sent to the start of the screen and all objects reappear. There are various obstacles to avoid or use like lasers, moving platforms and platforms that disintegrate when stepped on. Falling from heights also loses you a life.
As in the original, the game starts immediately hard and in the first stage you quickly have to make a few steps to the left and jump UP to avoid the creature coming straight towards you (and you can't jump up or diagonal due to the lethal stalactites above you).
Press ❎ in the title screen to play the tutorial, read the signs for info.
Here's a short gameplay video that should help you figure out how to beat the first stage and play in general.
For reference and hints on how to beat any stage there's this China Miner Longplay of the original C64 version.
Differences with original:
The original game was notoriously difficult and brutal, you started from the first level and had to redo everything after game-over. In this remake you can select the starting stage, so you can train and find th