Chance of Rain Evolutionary Simulation

Chance of Rain
A slightly interactive and slightly meditative evolutionary pond simulation

ARROW KEYS: control frog
Z: surfacesubmerge
X: tongue
ENTER: options

This simulation is meant to be watched more than played (though you may interact with it by suggesting actions for the frog).
There are four types of creatures living in this rainy pond: a frog, fish, flies, and dragonflies. Enjoy watching them swim, fly, eat, die, and birth new generations. Flies birth larva into the water which swim towards the nearest rock, where they slowly mature and eventually sprout wings - becoming flies themselves. Well-fed fish will turn green and reproduce when near each other. Dragonflies swarm the lillypad to spawn new. Each parent passes genetic predispositions onto their offspring - which allows for behavior evolution over time. Creatures may die of old age or starvation. All the while, a happy frog swims about - ready to offer a guiding hand (or, rather, mouth) if one part of the ecosystem becomes unbalanced.
Occasionally, you may see some event-triggered haikus or tips to help you further enjoy and understand the game. Statistics about your world will also slide by from time-to-time (and can be triggered manually from the options menu). If your ecosystem fails or you lose a creature type, just keep playing - there are heavy storms that roll in occasionally to replenish your stock.
Every game has randomizations, so each experience will be unique.
DNA System
A DNA system has been implemented that allows parents to pass certain parameters onto their offspring. There is even a chance of slight genetic mutations for each parameter. Through this system, each species will actually evolve its behavior over time to be best-suited to its environment.

Dragonflies pass on these parameters to their offspring

speed, initial lifespan, threshold for hunger, starvation resistance, tolerance for rain, and others<b

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