
Catlike Link
What is This?
Once upon a time... A young cat lived in a small town of Catsensburg.
The cat was small, but brave... Risking his life to anything he wanted...
The cat folks kept talking about a mysterious, creepy, dark mansion with some magic milk at the top.
The cat would be absolutely flabbergasted upon gaining such information.
However, there was problem...
Savage monsters were lurking and roaming in the mansion in search for blood!
But the treasure at the top was too much for the cat. He would go inside the creepy mansion in search of the magic milk...
How Do I Play?
Making Of Catlike
This roguelike game was made by, me, D3V? in 5-7 days in Pico-8.
The template this game uses is made by Krystman, from the game Porklike from his 'How To Make A Roguelike In Pico-8 Series'.
Music made by Sebastian, and is NOT mine.
I just wanted to create a smol roguelike game, that's all.
Version 1.0:
Initial Release.
Version 1.1:
Added Healing Potion.
Two Healing Potions are given at the start of the game.
Version 1.2:
Changed health and attack for majority of the enemies:
-- Snake now has 4 HP.
-- Ghoul now does 3 DMG.
-- Bird now does 2 DMG and has 6 HP.
-- Bear now does 8 DMG and has 20 HP., making him a massive threat.
-- Fox now does 4 DMG and has 8 HP., making him more dangerous.
Weapon changes:
-- Large Club may heal the enemies now.
-- 'A Gun. That's it. A gun.' has been simply changed to, 'Gun' (for the sake of space). It always buffs enemies now.
-- Holy Cleaver now does 3 DMG but blesses the player if the weapon is used. Armor can't be used while Holy Cleaver is used.
All status effect show for how many turns it'll last next to the symbol. (For example, ♪4 means buffed for 4 turns.)
The cursed status effect still lasts if the mob has been hit. Bless is still the same.
Changed the weapon window