Burgertime Demake

Figured Pico-8 needed a Burgertime! This is a Burgertime demake, it uses about half the resolution of the original. I tried to make it as true to the arcade version as possible. Includes all 6 levels, as well as the level 28 kill screen.
Did my best on the AI for the enemies and speeds, but with the size differences, and a few other things, probably plays slightly different than the bigger arcade version- but pretty close! I also tried to reproduce some of the bugs- for example it only shows up to level 18 in the HUD (3 times through the levels), as well as 9 lives, even though you can get more lives and keep going- just like the original.
This was one of my favourites on the Intellivision back in the day, so enjoy!
Press (Z) Button 1 to use your pepper.
If anyone is good with sound and wants to tweak the level win, and the level start sounds, let me know!
If you have the Pico-8 desktop version and you want to play with the cart, inside of the Start_Game method, change your starting level, lives, or peppers. (LIVES, LEVEL, GLB_PEPPERS)

Some game play clips:


Updated timing slightly and eliminated a bit of randomness to better match original. If you use the grouping technique for level 1, it should work same as the arcade now.

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