Bumble Bots Low Rez

Less is more!
Here's a low resolution version of my Bumble Bots game. Fewer pixels, but a better game.
When porting the game to Gamebuino I had to reduce the resolution. Doing so forced me to remove some screen clutter as every pixel counts at 80x64. Also, I had to zoom into the levels. On the one hand, this made the game play slightly harder, as you cannot always see all enemies. On the other hand, it made the game play more immersive. In the original game, more than half of screen was black pixels. I actually like the game better at the lower resolution, so decided to revamp the original PICO-8 version. This is the result.

Sixteen levels, with a lot of variation!
Isometric 3D views
Wave animations
Pick-ups, boxes, teleports and gaps
Tracking of level progress, hi-score and level hi-scores
Level selection menu
Four musical tracks (by my brother)
Supports touch controls (see Bumble Bots for touch devices)

Changes in v2.1

Added support for custom touch controls
On game completion score remaining lives
Simplified title screen
Bug fix: Restored last level (v2.0 included a debugging variant)

Changes in v2.0

Changed resolution to 64x64
Smoother bot movement
More immersive gaming experience:

Zoomed-in-view with camera following player
Replaced message boxes with fancier text
Added more sound effects

New title screen
New end screen

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