Brick Tickler (Updated to v1.2)

There were bricks in the sky. Why?
They fell on our cities - we did not like this.
We considered sending fighter jets against them, or surface-to-air missiles.
Wiser heads prevailed and instead an enormous, gravity defying bat was constructed, armed with spherical counter-measures and launched to protect us.
Sounds like the plot of a soon-to-be-commissioned movie (contact details in my about section).
Whelp. Arrows, X to serve. Bounce bricks for bonuses, multiple times for more.
There's only a few levels there at the moment, so I may add more. It might be a bit hard though.
Obviously I apologise for the 'music'. But nothing else.
This game is too hard! I've reduced the number of bricks, made the bat a bit bigger and added some multi-ball power bricks.
It's STILL too hard! Oh well.
Changed the bat controls to be less floaty (thanks for the feedback :)
Chris Donnelly (@gruber_music) has also very kindly spent some time on greatly enhancing the simple ditty I had playing, so there is now real music!

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