Breakout Sky

Breakout Sky
A little something I made up from the LazyDevs tutorial. I wanted to try my hand at PICO-8, and I really had a lot of fun! Your job is to break up the clouds to reveal the sun again.
Use 'LEFT' and 'RIGHT' to move, of course. Press 'X' to kick, but be sure to do it with good timing! In addition, if you collect enough Stardust, you can hold down 'O' to unleash a surprise!
Some blocks react differently if you kick the ball into them. Pay close attention!
STORY MODE is a set of thirteen levels. You get 9 lives to complete them, so good luck! It's the best mode to help you learn the game, too; I recommend beating it first.
ARCADE MODE is randomized from a set of twenty levels. You only have one life! Try to get as far as you can.
I want to thank the LazyDevs guy for making such a spot-on tutorial. I didn't follow it perfectly, and I even quit before getting to all of them. But without them, I might not have ever gotten to know PICO-8, and I thank him very much for all his hard work and his excellent attitude!
I've linked it here.
Behind the Scenes:

If you take the opportunity to look at the code, you'll see that I really could have done better with the particle effects, token-wise. I didn't really want to up the scope or graphical power of the game that much more anyway, but still. Yikes!
The first way I departed from the tutorial was the theme. I tried to give it a skyrain theme, and add that bit of narrative to the game. Hence the dark clouds, lightning, and stardust.
The second departure was controls. I wanted to add the 'kick' mechanic! I really like how it turned out, and I think it has a lot of potential to be more interesting. I felt that the powerups from the tutorial were a little too much to go with it, though.
I kinda wish I'd spent more time on the music, but I'm not confident at all in my abilities there! I usually make music

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