Blasphemy! LD39

(Ludum Dare page!)
The world is running out of power. Some energy crisis or another, I don't know. Anyhow, an old lightning rod atop Mount Olympus runs straight into the power grid; the only way to save everyone is to channel the heavens' fury atop the mountain.
In other words, send a guy up to disrespect Zeus: the one, the only.

Journey through a secret mountain complex full of traps, because climbing is just too hard for our intrepid hero!
Press buttons to open doors!
Totally come back alive from this well-planned mission!
Shout profanities at a god!


Arrow Keys: Move
ZC: JumpWalljump
XV: Use


When hanging off a wall, move into it to slow down. Don't move if you just want to fall!
Don't give up!
There are 5 levels.

Made solo in 72hrs for the Ludum Dare 39 Jam event.

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