
It is a project that I started more than 1 year ago to get better with PICO-8. As someone who struggles with big and complex projects, I thought making a collection would allow me to see the end of a big thing since its easier to make lots of small animations than to make one big game.

40 animations, mostly abstract, but a few are figurative.
the possibility to randomize the color palette, 'to renew your staring experience'

⬅️➡️ arrows to go through animations
⬆️ arrow to display the settings screen
⬇️ arrow to hide title of current animation
?️ button to shuffle the color palette
❎ button to reset the color palette
When I began working on this, I thought I'd continue until I reach the PICO-8 8192 tokens limit. It is now at 8115 tokens and I don't think there are enough to make another animation, so I'm posting it here. After that, I will probably try to make another animation compilation with fewer but better ones.

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