Anti-Aliased Asteroids
Hastily crafted Asteroids clone complementary of the anti-aliased line thead:
Added: Teleport ('c' button)! Up to 3 chances (sort of...) to get out of trouble
Changed: inertia cranked up, use your thrusters!
Changed: safe time is now 2s
Changed: thrust is now 'up' only
Fixed: Saucer Invasion!
Fixed: incorrect font rendering
Fixed: incorrect high score message on game over
Changed: reduced number of rocks to 4
Fixed: crash with dead player
Changed: multiple rocks types
Added: saucer!
Added: highscore (saved in cart data)
Added: multiple CRT effects (enjoy @Felice!)
Bug: couple of chars incorrectly rendered
1.0f: temp. fix by @Felice (tks!)
1.0: initial release (did not work)
Tech. Details
Not much really - using bits of my Pico 8 'game toolkit':
anti-aliased circle fill (using mid-point error for the shading)
multiple 'CRT' shaders (find out how to switch between them!)
a couple of future functions using yield
vector font rendering
Felice: anti-aliased line optimisation genius!
Trammell Hudson: Asteroids font (https:trmm.netAsteroids_font)
Atari: for the art cover (my lawers are on the copyright case :)