512px under

512px under
Year 4096. A burried building with lasers and traps. How many lives will it take to leave this place ?

Jump, wall jump and dodge lasers
18 memory cards to collect
32 rooms to explore (with lasers in them)
1 red cube
Lots of lasers !


Arrows : move
V (or X) : jump
C (or Z) : grabdrop

Move and jump

Grab and drop

Wall jump

This game is my first Pico-8 game. It is also the first game I manage to finish after a few attempts with game engines such as Unity and Godot. It took me 1 month to complete the first published version. The Pico-8 restrictions allowed me to define a manageable scope for this game. In the end, I used the entire space available in the map editor and the spritesheet editor. The code uses every token allowed.

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